So I have had similar conversations with several members recently, so I wanted to post in here in case it can help anyone else struggling with this.
So, winter is hard for a lot of people. Seasonal depression is a real thing. It's dark. It's cold. Days are short. We are more alone. Also, the stress of the holidays can make it even harder.
If you are starting to struggle now that we are headed into winter, I first want to tell you that you are NOT ALONE. I have felt it come on some days as well. Many others feel this, too. It's very important that we stay intentional in combating seasonal depression. We must keep getting our workouts in and our walks in.
A couple weeks ago, I found myself feeling like I was not accepting that winter had arrived with the cold weather and snow. I stopped getting my walks
in. But, one day that week I MADE myself suck it up, get bundled up and head out for a walk. It felt so good! Honestly, if we have warm clothes on, heavy coat with hat and gloves, we warm up quick. I'm in the routine of bundling up and getting out there now. Getting fresh air in our lungs, wind on our face, and sunshine (even when it's cold) has so many benefits for us! Not to mention we are moving and getting steps in!
Did you know exercising: - is a mood booster - helps boost your immune system - reduces stress
I want to encourage you to keep getting your workouts in and getting outside and walking this winter. If you are not in the habit yet, start back up with 2-3 workouts per week and 15 minutes of walking outside a day! Do it if you work from home (especially if you work from home!) or on your break(s) at work. Grab friends around your class time and walk for 10-15 minutes before or after class. Honestly, 10 minutes here and there really adds up! Stay intentional! You will be surprised at how much better you feel, and honestly it becomes addictive. I crave it. It also gets my family out more, too.
I know I get cabin fever at home with my family and 3 crazy dogs, and look forward to being able to get outside for walks for some peace of mind. Hello overstimulation. lol! It has honestly already saved me this past month. I find myself starting to feel low, so I plan to go for a walk. I usually take the dogs, but not always. Sometimes I just need to be alone in the quiet to clear my mind. It's also a great time to plug those ear pods in and listen to a great podcast or book! It makes time fly by! If you can go to a trail/be in nature, even better!
Also, I've been watching Amazon deals and got myself a good pair of waterproof boots and lined fleece waterproof pants so I have a plan for when temps drop again. I also asked for a walking pad (pretty much an inexpensive version of a treadmill for walking) for Christmas so I can keep getting my steps in when it's icy out.
One final really important thing I want to share. Go easy on yourself. Beating ourselves up because we aren't meeting some high expectation of perfection all year long just hurts us more. Give yourself grace. Go easy. Winter is tough. Reevaluate your goals so they are beneficial to your mental and physical health during this season, without being overwhelming. But, make your goals and stick to them!
I hope these ideas help! We will get through this together!