I actually had a completely different blog post written and ready to go today …but I was feeling compelled to talk about this instead.
I’ve seen so many fitness challenges all over the place during this quarantine. I’ve even been invited to a few myself! Example: Run a mile a day, walk /run x amount of miles for the month of May, various plank, sit up and ab challenges, even my gym is running an activity challenge right , now that’s got everyone up and moving much more than usual ! I LOVE this! I’m ALL for it! I love to move move move and a little healthy competition always makes these things more fun 😊
BUT- along with these challenges, I’ve heard a lot of comments such as – “OH! I NEED this challenge because I’ve been eating SO much junk lately! “Or “Perfect, I need a challenge to offset all this sugar I’ve been eating.” “ This is exactly what I need to get back in shape!”
Here comes the hard truth. You can’t outrun a bad diet. No matter what kind of challenge or workouts you are doing, if you’re not making a REAL effort to clean up your nutrition at this time, you are most likely going to see very little to zero change in body composition by the end of the 30 day challenge (or whatever duration you’re going for.). If you are letting your eating get out of control – ordering takeout multiple times a week , snacking on chips and dip, baking lots of goodies , or drinking more alcohol than usual – you very well even GAIN weight even though you’re moving more daily. Don’t fall victim to the “quarantine 15 “. Instead, why not aim for “quarantine lean “? 😊 NOW is the perfect time to pull in the reigns!
Here are a few simple suggestions to help you. First, start small! One change at a time. All too often we want to change everything about the way we eat all at once in hopes of quick results. Example: Completely cutting out carbs from our diet or fully eliminating our favorite foods. Most of the time, these big and not very enjoyable changes lead to a quick burnout and a big binge! We want to avoid that at all costs so make smaller changes a few days or weeks at a time.
Maybe if you’re ordering takeout multiple times a week, cut back to just one or two nights or simply choose healthier options.
Maybe you’re baking more. Limit that as well! Instead of whipping up 4 dozen cookies at a time, just make one dozen. That way, you’re not munching on them every time you pass through the kitchen for days at a time. ( I speak from experience here ! haha )
If you don’t already drink up to a gallon of water a day – focus on that. Buy a ½ gallon or gallon jug off Amazon, fill it first thing in the morning and don’t stop drinking until it’s gone.
When planning meals to cook at home, make sure your main focus is protein. Take the time to try out new and healthy meals. Add in more veggies!
What’s breakfast look like? If it’s sugary cereal, donuts or poptarts every day, switch that up for some eggs and bacon or a smoothie. yum! Starting your day with a good, protein packed meal will set you up to make better choices the rest of the day.
Don’t eliminate your favorite foods. It will only make you want them more! DO practice portion control. For instance, maybe you are loving those Dot’s pretzels. ( Haha, I haven’t had them (yet ) but I keep seeing friends talk about how amazing those are on Facebook . ) Whatever your poison of choice – portion out single servings in to little baggies as soon as you open them. That way, you won’t mindlessly eat 4 servings at a time.
There are so many small changes you can make that will add up to big results if you stick to them. Hope some of this helps 😊 I’m always right here if you need a little guidance or encouragement.
Coach Kelly